How to put your Personal domain to work for your brand?

When it comes to begin a website of any brand, we usually adopt traditional strategies like SEO, SEM, and others in order to get better ranking in search engine results. Besides domain registration with Hostbreak you should consider to put your personal domain to work for your brand effectively. Here is why it is important!

Your personal domain is your identity

It would not be wrong to say that your personal domain could act like your identity. Yes, you are going to run the business the world over. Apart from that, you are to introduce your brand. In case, the domain you have chosen while domain registration process describes what your brand is about you are definitely going to achieve tremendous success. A survey report has revealed that the domain registration with Hostbreak benefits in the following ways:

  • Users can maintain and control their domains. They can even create Facebook pages with the same name.
  • Mostly customers of Hostbreak get the chance to avail domain registration services with more personalized or memorable plans.

So many possibilities

These days, domains are coming in every sort of flavor — from the traditional .com, .net and .org to better descriptive names ending with generic top-level domains (gTLDs) that shows how well performing you are as a brand. There are more than enough possibilities while domain registration when you choose Hostbreak. For an idea, check below:

  • and much more

Customers expect more from reputable businesses online

These days the customers have started expecting more and more from the reputable businesses online. In case you want to survive in the competitive environment, it is highly recommended that you register a domain that represents your business niche or the kind of services you are going to provide. There are plenty of reasons why it is important to have your own site – including that you control your online identity and the visibility of your brand, as well as you catch the attention of global audience. It is also up to you that when you want to refresh the designs or update the copy. The rules and regulations are made by no one but ‘You’. It is even in your hands to set the advertising strategies for the site which is uniquely yours.

Some of the highly flexible domain registration plans are made available by Hostbreak. From DIY site builders to Managed WordPress this company provides extra features when it comes to register a domain or to avail a hosting plan.

Brand your social space

It is in your hands to brand your social space. You can use Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or other popular social platforms for making professional connections so that more and more organic traffic is generated towards your site.

You can even try a Tumblr blog to make your brand visible, or you can even follow others on Facebook. Follow the links given below and make your brand visible on social media networks:

In which way do you use your personal domain? Don’t forget to let us know!

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